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AvailabilityWeb Installation Guide


  • PHP environment with Apache and MySQL.
  • AvailabilityWeb.sql script located in the install directory for database setup.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

Clone the « AvailabilityWeb » project from GitHub to your local machine or server using the following command:

git clone

Step 2: Database Setup

Before running the AvailabilityWeb.sql script, ensure you have a MySQL database server running.

Create a new schema/database named AvailabilityWeb in your MySQL server:

USE `AvailabilityWeb`;

Run the AvailabilityWeb.sql script located in the install directory to create necessary tables and initial data. This can be done via a MySQL client or command line.

Step 3: Configuration

Navigate to the config directory within your cloned project.

Rename datasource.private.example to datasource.private and configure it with your database details.

Open config.php to set up global configurations:

  • Session Name: A unique name for your application session to avoid conflicts.
  • Root URL & Subfolder: Define the root URL and subfolder where your application is hosted.
  • Application Name: A friendly name for your application.
  • Schema: The name of your MySQL schema/database, which should match what you created.
  • Proxy Settings: If your application needs to access external resources through a proxy, specify the proxy IP and port, along with any required authentication details.
  • Timezone: Set the default timezone for your application.
  • Environment Mode: For development, errors will be displayed for debugging. In production mode, errors are logged to a file for security.

Step 4: Deployment

Ensure your Apache server is configured to serve the cloned « AvailabilityWeb » directory.

Access the application through your web browser by navigating to the URL where it’s hosted.

Step 5: Final Checks

Upon accessing « AvailabilityWeb », you should be able to see the main interface.

Perform any necessary tests to ensure connectivity to the database and that all functionalities are working as expected.

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